Christian RSS feeds are available from a wide range of sources covering everything from secular to denominational news to Bible verse of the day. Christian RSS feeds are automatically updated every time the Christian RSS feed is open so you site has new, fresh content each time a visitor opens the page.
To use the Christian RSS feed component you edit a page, click on the Add button and select RSS from the Interactive category. Then copy and paste the URL for the RSS XML page into the component. Add a new RSS component for each Christian RSS feed you want on your site.
TIP - Place the Christian RSS feed inside a group box (Add>Design Accents>Group Box) and set the group box height equal to about 300. RSS feeds are quite long and the user will have to scroll far down the page to see what feeds you have available. The group box will allow the user to scroll through the content using the box right slider.
Listed below are selected secular and Christian RSS feeds. These providers do not require you to register for the feed so you can just copy the link and paste it into your RSS component. Many do require that you agree to terms, typically you must agree not to alter the feed and not to use the feeds for commercial purposes. Please refer to the provider's website for details.